Black Friday Retail Invasion

Here at Wormhole Coffee, our BOMB_TASTIC gift cards can be refilled over and over with however much a person desires. Also, in addition to the T’s, hoodies, home brewing gear, etc etc…we just procured a bunch of metal lunch boxes (Dr. Who and Star Wars inspired) so that people can assemble gift boxes for holiday times.

We’ll have it set up so that you can mix and match whatever you’d like and use the lunch box as a vessel to hold said gift items.

Example: Lady wants to get her bestie something cool for the holidays. She can pick a T-shirt in their size, toss in a LB of Metropolis coffee of her choice, and throw in a $20 gift card for good measure.

Papa-Bear wants to get his Son who frequents The Worm something. He can grab a v60, pack of filters, and a $15 gift card so the kid can pick his own coffee. = Home brew set up WIN.

They will all be 100-percent customizable, so pricing will be variable depending on what was put in said lunchbox. The lunch boxes will NOT be sold separately. Available NOW through much of Earth‘s holiday shopping season at Wormhole Coffee, Chicago. Also, we have coffee, tea…and…things. Lots of things.